Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10

Saturday, March 22, 2014


You come to that realization that something needs to be changed. But life is so overwhelming you do not know where to start or maybe even what your options are.

A person needs to simply begin somewhere. We are human, we are imperfect, we may not make the perfect change right away, but we need to start.

And start SIMPLY.

I used to think I needed to have it all figured out before I began. I have 30 lbs. to lose. I will go on Weight Watchers (for they have the diet figured out), walk 30 minutes per day, research healthy recipes, avoid all sugar, eliminate soda, and drink a gallon of water each day. Won't be long and I will see results, right? Wrong. A few days into my new regime and I was irritable, frustrated, wanted to eat any food in sight (especially sugar), and the scale looked the same.

Change in and of itself is a stress on the body. Most of the time change happens and we must go along for the ride, we have no say. Intentional change is positive in that we have a choice, but it is still change and induces a certain amount of stress.

We want change and we want change quickly. But life is not an emergency. Our bodies (and mind) were not made to handle large amounts of change without there being a negative effect. Give yourself permission to take the time to achieve a goal.

Make one small change at a time. One small change each week, or each month, and in a year you will be that much further ahead.

Need to lose weight?
*simply watch portion size
*resolve to walk 15 min. per day
*drink 4 glasses a water per day
*snack on fruit not a candy bar

Home chaotic?
*start a quiet time for all members
*regulate TV time
*make a schedule
*develop family prayer time

Too busy?
*prioritize, shed one activity
*Wake 30 minutes early for some personal quiet time
*change and eating/exercise habit for more energy
*set a boundary for yourself, i.e. when someone asks you to do something, ask for time to think about it

The above may be simplistic in nature, your situation much more complex, but think of one change. It is a step forward. You may question whether it is one that will make a difference, but you won't know until you try.

God has a plan and a purpose for each of us. God does not ask more of us than He is willing to provide strength for. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13) Jesus did not move at a frenzied pace, Jesus was never overwhelmed, and He did not stress about the circumstances He was in. Talk to the Shepherd, He will guide and direct.

One step at a time.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Psalm 23:1-3

This Lenten season, I am filling 40 bags (Walmart-size) of items to either throw away or go to Goodwill. One for each day of Lent. The change? Less is bag at a time.

I am learning to make one small change at a time, one step at a time, in His strength.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sustaining Grace

February was a full month for me....emotionally full. (Thus, the reason for the gap in blog posts.) As the days marched on, I simply took each day as it came and really didn't have expectations for I knew God was at work on many fronts. Along the way I read an article on sustaining grace vs. delivering grace. It made me stop and pause...

My circumstances were not the magnitude of the author's. And really, it was not my own personal circumstances that I was experiencing, but walking with others through their pain. God has granted me the gift of empathy, but with it comes hurting when others are hurting. I would much like to "fix" it, but I am slowly learning it is God's work and not my own, thus I pray for sustaining grace for all.

“No” was not the answer I wanted. I was looking for miraculous answers to prayer, a return to normalcy, relief from the pain. I wanted the kind of grace that would deliver me from my circumstances.

God, in his mercy, offered his sustaining grace.

At first, I rejected it as insufficient. I wanted deliverance. Not sustenance. I wanted the pain to stop, not to be held up through the pain. I was just like the children of Israel who rejoiced at God’s delivering grace in the parting of the Red Sea, but complained bitterly at his sustaining grace in the provision of manna.

With every heartache I wanted a Red Sea miracle. A miracle that would astonish the world, reward me for my faithfulness, make my life glorious. I didn’t want manna.

But God knew better. This manna, this sustaining grace, is what upheld me. It revived me when I was weak. It drove me to my knees. And unlike delivering grace, which once received, inadvertently moved me to greater independence from God, sustaining grace kept me tethered to him. (Read full article here.)

As the years of my life tick by, I realize sorrow is a fixture in one's life. It is inevitable. Some experience more than others.Why is not a question that will be answered this side of heaven.
Ann Kiemel, who fought a valiant battle with cancer, and who just recently passed away said, “I knew I had a choice; I could make sorrow my friend or my enemy. Sorrow could make me hard and cold and bitter… or sorrow could be my best friend and teach me things I had never known before. I reached out and took sorrow’s hand…” (Focus on the Family)

God's grace will sustain us and propel us toward the important things in life...

I am melancholy in nature...a deep thinker...and it may seem I focus on the negative side of life. Maybe I do; but I prefer to see life as not "positive and negative" for God works for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)...All things are working for our good. We live in a fallen world, but even in the midst of difficulty, He is there, and there is always something to be thankful for.

It is why I journal my blessings....for in seeing the handiwork of the Almighty God, I divert my focus from the trials of life to His goodness in my life. We are told in the book of Phillipians to "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! .... The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."


Do not  be anxious...about ANYTHING.

With thanksgiving, pray.

God will sustain with His peace.

Difficulties, trouble, trials, and sorrow are a part of life. Do we allow them to make us cold and bitter, or do we grasp the hand of Jesus and let Him teach us things that will bring a deep growth, a deep joy. His sustaining grace is always near.....

And in the midst of our trials....there are many times He does grant deliverance. But if not, keep His grace.

I am learning to lean on Him....always.