Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Detox with Gratitude

I am taking classes on my way to a degree in naturopathic medicine. It is fascinating. One of the topics that comes up time and again is the importance of detoxing the body. We are inundated with many noxious substances that are present in the foods we eat, the air we breathe, the products we use, and even the busyness of life releases an overload of stress hormones that can be toxic to us.

God has gifted our bodies with amazing capabilities to rid itself of these substances, but we must take care to implement good habits for the body to do so.

As I have read on this subject (and am trying to implement some of the practices into my own life) I was somewhat surprised to see that the first (and probably most important) step in detoxing one's body, is to detox the mind.

"In a disordered mind, as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible." ~Cicero

"It's cleanse the mind/the brain/the head so we are clearer with our goals and more able to understand ourselves so we can change what we need to change.  A clear head helps clear mind-fog, enhances focus, improves memory, brings mental and emotional clarity and when we're stress free, our body's systems flow optimally.

When stressed and anxious, the body produces the hormone, cortisol, and in excessive amounts, apart from causing premature aging, it's the West's biggest killer and the underlying cause of the majority of illness and disease. Yes, of course sometimes life brings sadness and grief....but by leading a healthy lifestyle, having a calm mind and being grounded, we are able to deal with these situations like the clouds in the sky that come and go." (Angie Newson, The Detox Factor)

For the last two years I have been practicing gratitude, journaling my blessings. I was awed to realize that gratitude is the first step to "detoxing" the mind.

Simply being thankful.

"Practicing gratitude helps us put life into perspective - so instead of wasting time complaining, being negative, gossiping or moaning, start to look for the positive in any situation - it is usually buried somewhere even if you think it isn't. Practicing gratitude makes us less anxious, less depressed and releases tension so we are not always demanding more or wanting something else. The mind and body becomes calmer, our inner workings are less stressed and our digestive system can work as it was designed to. And practicing gratitude can also help you to feel less lonely, it lowers blood pressure and boosts our immune system." (Newson)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7

Yes, lifting our lives to God, with thanksgiving, will bring peace of mind.

The mind becomes clear and calm when we realize all comes from Him, to whom all thanks is due. We can rest in His goodness. Look for it today and begin the journey to a more healthy you!!

"Gratitude is nutrition for a living relationship." ~Steve Maraboli

I have learned and am learning the importance of simply saying "thank you."

**A wonderful resource, next to the Bible, in beginning a journey of gratefulness, is Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts. Also check out her website,

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