There is something about fully living the moment. Each moment. A cup of coffee, a caramel roll.....aaahhhh...I believe you are smelling it as you read.... :)
My mother wisely told me, "Enjoy the journey, not just the destination." As I get older and time seems to be speeding up, I am disciplining myself to slow it down. To stop and smell the roses on the journey of life so to speak.
"If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves." (Maria Edgeworth) I don't believe God meant for our lives to be just happenstance. Rather we are to be intentional about our days and embrace the moments He grants us, fully enjoying His goodness. Granted, there are moments I wish would not darken my life, but I trust God allows them for a reason. If nothing else, I am being taught to lean on Him. His Grace overshadows each moment....may we simply learn to LIVE each one.
I came across a little book*, it lies on my coffee table. I am learning much about how to "live in the moment."
#45 Right here-"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet." ~J. Oppenheim
#166 Be a good pupil-"Learning without thought is labor lost; and thought without learning is perilous." ~Confucius
#433 Thank you!-People in the service professions often feel invisible. A show of gratitude to the mailman, road-sweeper, or trash collector could be a bright spot in their day.
#695 Quick and easy-We speak of bearing a "grudge" and this word is accurate: resentment is a burden. Forgiveness offers an instant way to lighten the load of your heart.
And #546....Quiet time-Don't allow TV or computers into your morning routine. Sit still for a while, and look out of your window. Eat your breakfast quietly if you can. Enjoy rare peace, and a sense of potential, before the day's intrusions begin.
Brew a pot of coffee and enjoy a caramel roll.....

1 1/2 c. brown sugar
1 c. whipping cream
1/2 c. butter
1/4 bag miniature marshmallows
Bring ingredients to a boil and pour into two 9x9 pans.
The Dough:
Roll out two loaves frozen white bread dough (thawed) to 1/4" thickness. Spread butter, sugar, and cinnamon on dough. Roll lengthwise and cut into 18 rolls. Place in pans. Let rise 25-30 min. (or until doubled in size) and bake in a pre-heated 375 degree oven for 25-30 minutes or until brown on top. Invert onto cookie sheet or plate, cool.
Note: Make sure rolls are done before removing from oven. If not, the center will be doughy. They will be a goo-ey roll, so enjoy that! :)When inverting, use caution as some of the sauce may leak...I always do this over the sink. :) You may use regular homemade bread dough, two standard loaf pans worth.
These are the best....maybe it is the marshmallows....or that it is a family recipe and I love revisiting the memory in my mind..... :)
Enjoy the moment. Live the moment. Savor His Grace.
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
I am learning to slow down and live in the moment.
*I love books, but don't always agree with the author's viewpoint in the entirety of the book. This is a neat little resource in giving ideas to "live in the moment," but there is a lot of eastern religion presented. Some I agree with, others I pass over. Use what applies to you and your values.
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