Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Sow the Seeds...and Move On

This morning I read a quote that so resonated with me....

“I know how to get a whole lot of time back. It will be found by eliminating all the time I spend trying to get someone to understand what I mean. They can’t understand this information unless they are already on board and want to hear more. All that time spent trying to explain, defend, coddle, or make them understand - it’s all a waste of time. People are attracted to this information when they are ready to hear it and ready to put the pieces together. You can’t make them change their mind. Sow the seeds and move on." (source unknown)

We try so hard to make someone understand our viewpoint. If it is an issue or belief that is temporary or of little value, it is easy to just move on. But when it is of a significant magnitude to us, we despair, become frustrated, possibly angered at those who "just don't get it."

I am learning it is not our job to make someone understand our viewpoint, much less believe it. Yes, we may not be communicating our thoughts well, but I am not referring to misunderstandings, but rather the "agree to disagree" moments. Those gutsy things in life...our goals, values, deep seated beliefs....those areas we will stand up and defend because our hearts ache with conviction. There are those that simply aren't ready to hear it or don't want to hear it. And really...that is okay.

We can't make someone believe something. That comes from above.

"....for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." Philippians 2:13

God works in the heart, not us.

When we don't understand, we trust....and we pray. Pray that the Truth becomes known to those around us...and if we may be in the wrong, pray that the Lord reveals that to us.

Prayer is never wasted time. The time spent trying to make someone understand "our" viewpoint is not time well spent. Sow the seeds and move on. If the seed falls on fertile ground, fruit will spring God be the glory!

Yes, I need to make Truth known; it is not my work, but His, that makes it believed and/or understood.

I am learning that the frustration of wanting others to understand is really just pride dressed in different clothes. It is a waste of time. May I stand for Truth, simply stand.

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